Tuesday 17 July 2012

Tura rarely wears mesh.

This is one reason why. Theres a set of standard shapes that have been worked out from analysing many avatars proportions (which you can get for free on the Marketplace). The nearest one to my shape is ”small”, for which the non-bone body settings are:

Body Fat: 7
Torso Muscle: 35
Breast Size: 52
Love Handles: 28
Belly Size: 3
Leg Muscle: 50
Butt Size: 38
Saddle Bags: 33

As it happens, all of my sliders are within a few points of these settings, except one: Torso Muscle. Mine is 85. ”Small is 35. I tried dialling it down to 35 and...no. No. Tura Brezoianu is not that shape. Tura has really strong shoulders and arms, and 35 looks skeletal to me. This is a basic part of what Tura is. Even the large size of this dress isnt big enough at the top, and then its far too large lower down.

Sunday 8 July 2012

...carnal nightmares of rooted flesh that wallowed and fought and coupled in noisome ooze...
— Clark Ashton Smith, ”The Maze of the Enchanter”

A build in progress I glimpsed on SL. I wonder if there will be foul things with chancrous blossoms flaunting themselves on infernal obelisks. Shall living parasitic mosses of crimson crawl on vegetable monsters that swell and bloat behind the columns of accursed pavilions?
I finally finished the tower of St. Mary-le-Bow, and presented it at MadPea Show and Tell today, temporarily held in a skybox while the sim down below is being remodelled.