Monday 17 December 2012

Hideously Ugly Christmas Sweater by Pandora Wrigglesworth. Available at Curio Obscura.

This is a Hideously Ugly Christmas Sweater! That’s what Pandora Wrigglesworth calls it, ok? But this has an importance way beyond its Hideous Ugliness. Its mesh, in a single size, that fits all body shapes!  Credit to Pandora for working out how to do this, doing it, and demonstrating it at todays Show & Tell at Builders Brewery. I have Really Muscular Shoulders and this is the first mesh item ever that fits me there. When all the designers pick up on this, I might be able to shop for mesh.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Snow falls endlessly
On the night before Christmas
In the toy village.
In the snowy fort
No soldiers patrol the walls
Are they all on leave?
Snow on online pines
If no-one logs in to see
Did the snowflake fall?
Presents! All for me?
Take as many as you like
They're copiable.